by Georgia Beasley | Jun 15, 2018 | Native Seeds Project
The past year has been witness to a whole new program within our Native Seeds Project. As hundreds of thousands of families from South Sudan began pouring into Northern Uganda we began to ask ourselves: what can we do? It’s a humanitarian crisis so vast that sometimes...
by Georgia Beasley | Apr 21, 2017 | Native Seeds Project
Hi all, I’d like to introduce you to someone. Her name is Oromo Jenet. She is a mother of seven, and she makes her modest living as a farmer and traditional healer, growing crops for subsistence and providing health care and healing to her community. She is at once...
by Georgia Beasley | Oct 2, 2016 | Native Seeds Project
As October rolls around and we begin to witness the subtle changes of the seasons in the US, so too are we in the Native Seeds Project preparing for changes and growth here in Uganda. If you were following the COP21 meetings in Paris last November, you might recall...
by Georgia Beasley | Sep 6, 2016 | Native Seeds Project
As September rolls around and we begin to witness the subtle changes of the seasons in the US, so too are we in the Native Seeds Project preparing for changes and growth here in Uganda. If you were following the COP21 meetings in Paris last November, you might recall...
by Georgia Beasley | Jul 6, 2016 | Native Seeds Project
Greetings! Or, as they say in Acholiland, Apwoyo! To start, we want to thank you for your gracious support. You may think that a small donation is just a drop in a bucket, but without these drops, our work wouldn’t be possible. Your support is integral to the success...